Investing is Like Working Out
Investing is just like working out – it’s a habit that gets easier over time. The sooner you start, the better off you’ll be in the long term. Learn how to start with tips in this video blog from Andrew Rosen of Diversified Lifelong Advisors!
Start Early – Investing is Like Working Out, the Earlier You Start, the Better You’ll Be
In general, the earlier you start investing, the better. Someone that starts conditioning their body early on in their life becomes stronger and fitter as they age. When you start investing at a younger age, chances are you’ll become better at investing over time.
Contribute to Your 401K
As soon as you’re eligible to sign up for a 401k, you should. Contribute 10 to 15% of your paycheck to your 401k, and you will learn to live without that portion of your pay. Continue to increase your 401k contributions as you progress in your career until you’ve maxed out on the contribution amount.
Change Your Mindset
It is easier to live on less from earlier on, than it is to find expenses to cut down the line. Make it easier on yourself by making your retirement savings automatic. You won’t miss what you’re not used to.
Investing is Like Working Out – Make it a Habit
Just like your daily run or strength training becomes a habit or routine, investing can become a habit as well.