Financial Facts
Articles from our nationally recognized, weekly blog.
Should I Buy that Beach Home? Or, Should I Rent?
Growing up at the Jersey shore is a thing I hold close to my heart. I loved being a local “beach dude,” especially when the summers came and the “shoobies” all flooded our little barrier island. There was something nice in knowing you lived in a place so many people went to relax and vacation. There was also a bond between locals, an unspoken brotherhood.
The Importance of a Financial Check-up {11 Reasons to Stay Diligent}
Financial Check ups create a forum for us to advise and effectuate change for our clients. This is at the crux of our relationship with clients.
The Often Misunderstood Disability Insurance
Disability Insurance I’d like to start with an insurance joke, followed by an insurance riddle. What is less fun to talk about than life insurance? You guessed it… Disability Insurance! Now, the follow-up riddle. What is more likely to happen during your career–getting disabled or dying prematurely? (I’m hoping by now you’ve caught onto the […]

Your Financial Pop Quiz {The Answers & Factoids}
Have you woken up from that nightmare yet? You know, the one where you can’t get into your school locker? I do apologize if my last blog left you in suspense. Hopefully, you have a friend or two who took the quiz as well. Go ahead, be competitive, compare scores! Okay, I’ll get on with […]
Your Financial Pop Quiz!
The other day I was at a doctor’s appointment and got a friendly surprise. There was a three hundred question, multiple-choice exam I had to take for my health. Three hundred questions! Oy Vey!

Trust Planning: It’s Not What You Leave Behind; It’s How.
Trust Planning As a lifelong financial planner, I’m privileged to be part of the complete picture of client’s lives. Unfortunately, it does means facing the lows along with the highs. The discussion and arrangement of a client’s disposition of assets (while unpleasant to think about) is extremely necessary. One common question often asked is: what […]
Six Minor Adjustments for Major Financial Impact
When it comes to personal finances, there really isn’t a silver bullet for success. Much like exercising, or even dieting, it usually comes down to making small adjustments which compound into larger effects.
Why Should I Care About Long Term Care?
As our retiree clients start to age, one question is always on their mind, healthcare! They are concerned about costs, exposure, and need. When discussing retiree healthcare concerns with our clients, there is one area that always comes up, Long Term Care needs. This becomes a concern for many as this exposure isn’t covered under health and Medicare […]

What Credit Card Debt Can Tell You About Yourself
You can tell a lot about a person by their finances. Usually, I look at ones assets and make some pretty good assumptions about how they save. However, a lot can be learned simply by someone’s credit card debts. It serves as a glimpse into that person’s financial soul.

Your Savings Assessment Test [Where do you Score?]
Many of us like to get a sense for our place in the world. This sense comes in different forms: spiritual, emotional, financial, and more. When it comes to finances, it’s helpful for everyone to grasp how well we are all saving for the future. The sooner all of us can wrap our heads around where we “stack up,” the sooner situations can improve. To help, I’ve created my own “savings assessment test.” It uses a scoring scale from 1-10 (one being the lowest and ten the highest) to determine retirement savings health.
Should I Buy that Beach Home? Or, Should I Rent?
Growing up at the Jersey shore is a thing I hold close to my heart. I loved being a local “beach dude,” especially when the summers came and the “shoobies” all flooded our little barrier island. There was something nice in knowing you lived in a place so many people went to relax and vacation. There was also a bond between locals, an unspoken brotherhood.
The Importance of a Financial Check-up {11 Reasons to Stay Diligent}
Financial Check ups create a forum for us to advise and effectuate change for our clients. This is at the crux of our relationship with clients.
The Often Misunderstood Disability Insurance
Disability Insurance I’d like to start with an insurance joke, followed by an insurance riddle. What is less fun to talk about than life insurance? You guessed it… Disability Insurance! Now, the follow-up riddle. What is more likely to happen during your career–getting disabled or dying prematurely? (I’m hoping by now you’ve caught onto the […]

Your Financial Pop Quiz {The Answers & Factoids}
Have you woken up from that nightmare yet? You know, the one where you can’t get into your school locker? I do apologize if my last blog left you in suspense. Hopefully, you have a friend or two who took the quiz as well. Go ahead, be competitive, compare scores! Okay, I’ll get on with […]
Your Financial Pop Quiz!
The other day I was at a doctor’s appointment and got a friendly surprise. There was a three hundred question, multiple-choice exam I had to take for my health. Three hundred questions! Oy Vey!

Trust Planning: It’s Not What You Leave Behind; It’s How.
Trust Planning As a lifelong financial planner, I’m privileged to be part of the complete picture of client’s lives. Unfortunately, it does means facing the lows along with the highs. The discussion and arrangement of a client’s disposition of assets (while unpleasant to think about) is extremely necessary. One common question often asked is: what […]
Six Minor Adjustments for Major Financial Impact
When it comes to personal finances, there really isn’t a silver bullet for success. Much like exercising, or even dieting, it usually comes down to making small adjustments which compound into larger effects.
Why Should I Care About Long Term Care?
As our retiree clients start to age, one question is always on their mind, healthcare! They are concerned about costs, exposure, and need. When discussing retiree healthcare concerns with our clients, there is one area that always comes up, Long Term Care needs. This becomes a concern for many as this exposure isn’t covered under health and Medicare […]

What Credit Card Debt Can Tell You About Yourself
You can tell a lot about a person by their finances. Usually, I look at ones assets and make some pretty good assumptions about how they save. However, a lot can be learned simply by someone’s credit card debts. It serves as a glimpse into that person’s financial soul.

Your Savings Assessment Test [Where do you Score?]
Many of us like to get a sense for our place in the world. This sense comes in different forms: spiritual, emotional, financial, and more. When it comes to finances, it’s helpful for everyone to grasp how well we are all saving for the future. The sooner all of us can wrap our heads around where we “stack up,” the sooner situations can improve. To help, I’ve created my own “savings assessment test.” It uses a scoring scale from 1-10 (one being the lowest and ten the highest) to determine retirement savings health.