Diversified LLC Named As Best RIA to Work for by FinancialPlanning.com
FinancialPlanning.com has listed Diversified as a Best RIA to work for in 2024. Diversified is ranked #8 on the list of 52, and contributing factors to the ranking include work environment, benefits, leadership, communication, career mobility, and culture. Eligible companies were RIAs that are SEC registered with 10 employees or more in the US, with a facility in the country, and had been in business for longer than a year.
This announcement follows another recent award from Financial Advisor Magazine where Diversified, LLC joined their list of “Top RIAs in America” and The Philadelphia Business Journal where Diversified was named as a Top Money Manager. Diversified is also on the Best Place to Work list from The Philadelphia Business Journal.
Diversified is headquartered in Wilmington, DE, and has offices in Wayne, PA, Birmingham, AL, Alpharetta, GA, Cape Cod, MA and Northampton, MA.
Diversified is managed and co-owned by CCO David Levy and President Andrew Rosen who joined the firm in 2010. CEO Michael Fisher attributes the growth of the firm to the value placed on client focus and the talent from employees.
Financialplanning.com ranked this list using Best Companies, and surveyed the companies directly regarding firms’ leadership, culture, pay and benefits, training, work environment, engagement, communications, and other factors. Separately, Best Companies evaluated each firm’s workplace policies, practices, benefit programs, philosophy, systems, and demographics. They then combined measurements from the survey and evaluation to calculate an overall score for each firm. Diversified did not pay a fee to be included in this ranking.