In an effort to save you time, we’ve compiled resources all under one roof to make your life more convenient. Below we’ve listed trusted financial professionals that we’ve worked with for years that are available to assist you with various aspects of your financial life, from your taxes to insurance needs or legal assistance. We also have a list of wellness professionals if you’d like a connection to enhance your health and happiness. As you know, we believe that wealth alone isn’t enough – we want our clients to live a healthy and fulfilling life as well, and we’re here to help you facilitate that in any way we can.
We’ve partnered with trusted professionals to help save you time, because we know that your time is valuable
In House Resources Professionals within the Diversified family
Diversified Tax
Diversified Insurance
Outsourced Resources Our trusted partners
Michael Salad, Equire
Matt Lieberman
Without your health, your wealth is meaningless. These partners focus on your phsycial and mental well-being.