Retirement Work Style Quiz
What’s your retirement work style? Will you continue with a part-time job in retirement, or stop working entirely? We’ve made it easy to find out with our quiz – try it for yourself below!
Retirement is an extremely emotional and difficult time in many of our lives. It seems easy, retire and call it a day. But for many, just because they can doesn’t mean they are “ready”. Instead, they may be ready to do something new or set their sights on a life dream. Don’t feel bad if you aren’t ready, despite “being ready” as it is very normal.
Especially with all the unpredictability in retirement, it isn’t always a bad thing to delay your drawdown or sock a few extra dollars away for the unknown. The fun thing about this is the decision is uniquely yours. The only wrong decision is not giving it enough thought and following your heart. Learn more about retirement work styles in our blog post.