Student Loans

It’s A… Live! (Student Debt Relief, That Is)
Student debt relief is live! Are you eligible? When will it take effect? Learn more in our latest blog.

Student Loan Forgiveness: Biden’s Bold Plan
The government recently announced a plan for student loan forgiveness – what does this plan mean for you? Find out in our blog.
My Best Guess for College Costs
When it comes to academics, I’m a pro at the Scantron sheet! ABACADABA was the go to guessing strategy back then (and hasn’t failed me yet). I’d like to take this incredible ability and do a little guess work on what will happen to colleges over the next 10-20 years.
College Advice: From Parent to Parent
A somewhat unique perspective of my career is the vantage point I have into how clients (from all walks of life) handle financial endeavors. I see (and have helped advise on) it all – from new jobs, new family members, college planning, retirement, even (unfortunately) deaths of loved ones. Usually, I simply give some form of advice on maximizing any situation. Other times, I customize a strategy with an individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

9 Tips to Financial Planning While in College
The beginning of a new college semester always makes me nostalgic. I remember my four amazing years at the University of Delaware. As a young, innocent finance major, I recall that amazing feeling each time when I went back to school. (I even remember the tears driving home after graduation.) They were great and hopeful times for me, even with so much uncertainty looking forward.