Wealth, Health and Happiness: Understanding Gerontology with Barbara Micheletti
Wealth, Health and Happiness: Understanding Gerontology with Barbara Micheletti
In this episode of Wealth, Health, and Happiness, we interview Barbara Micheletti, MS, Gerontologist. Barbara is a 25-year Gerontologist consultant with 13 years of experience as a business insurance advisor. As a Gerontologist and go-to aging expert, Barbara’s mission is to help Financial & Insurance Professionals, Entrepreneurs, and Business Leaders better serve their older and elderly clients. In this episode, we talk about gerontology, why Barbara decided to become a gerontologist consultant and provide helpful tips that you should keep in mind while continuing to age.
To contact or learn more about Barbara Micheletti, MS, Gerontologist visit her website: https://interruptingaging.com/