Top Ten Blogs of 2021 – Voted on By You!
2021 where did you go? Another year in the books and lots of great memories for me. I love sitting back and reminiscing about all the special moments for me this year. I’ve had ups and downs, trials and tribulations, and successes along with many failures. But they all presented to me a learning experience and help shape the man I am today.
On that note, I am always amazed that just like that, this terrible writer growing up has completed another year of 52 blogs. It is truly a labor of love and do hope you reading this enjoy them just a little bit. If you can get one small nugget a year out that helps better your life, well heck that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
In the spirit of all this reflection, I’d like to dedicate this blog to the most read blogs of the year. These were the ones that for whatever reason appealed to you all the most. So here they are in no particular order.
Top Ten Blogs of 2021
- Social Security Changes are Coming– This was a recent one I wrote discussing the myriad of changes coming to Social Security. From record breaking COLA increases to a facelift on the statement we all receive.
2. Cons of a Second Home– Interestingly enough the pros of owning a second home didn’t end up making the list. That said, perhaps in a year of flourishing second home purchases maybe you needed some fodder for your other half to read to quell their desires. Whatever it was I thank you for reading and glad you liked it.
3. Top 401(k) Tips– I’m not shocked this one did well, and certainly glad it did. Many of us struggle with this great employer benefit. There are a lot of unknown and misunderstood things when it comes to our 401(k) plans. This was a great blog to help optimize these wonderful benefits.
4. To Tip or Not to Tip– I am so glad this one did well as it gave me vindication that the “tipping” culture is all over the place. I’m glad it isn’t just me that struggles on what the couth thing to do is. That said this was my best attempt on trying to get my thoughts out there for debate.
5. The Retire Now Movement– Perhaps my personal favorite blog of the year was the Retire Now Movement. I love love love this concept and is a great practical exercise we can all do regardless of age. It helps get our mind right and prioritize our life. It also helps us take stock on how we are doing financially. I love blogs that tie in the wealth, health, and happiness theme. This one did just that.
6. Top 10 Retirement Tips– Who doesn’t want to retire? Guess most of us do haha, which may be why this blog performed so well. I really got to hone in on what I’ve anecdotally witnessed through the years, that has led to some great retirement tips. Again, this hits on wealth, health, and happiness.
7. Types of Work When You’re Able to Retire– Staying on the retirement theme, this blog speaks to how those last earning years tend to look. They are not the same for everybody, however most everybody falls into one of these retirement working decisions. Glad this one did well to be honest as I found it interesting to write.
8. Bitcoin Bubble- I try not to get too controversial with my blogs in hope not to alienate anyone. Not only that – this blog in the future may come back to haunt me. That said, I felt the need to write about this topic as it simply irks me to the Nth degree.
9. End of Year Tax Tips- Everyone hates taxes, and if you don’t give me a call as you’ll be an interesting case study. Due to this visceral feeling towards taxes, I was not shocked to learn this blog did well. I try to do something similar each year as everyone wants to find a way to get a few more dollars in their pocket vs. their favorite Uncle…. Sam!
10. 10 Tips in This Housing Conundrum- Another housing one made the list, and again not shocking due to the crazy market we’ve seen the past year or two. I’ve seen clients struggle mightily with how to navigate these treacherous waters. Hopefully, this blog was able to help a few of you in your housing needs.
Well, folks there you have it the top ten performing blogs voted on by you my wonderful readers. I truly am touched so many of you read something or heck anything, that this C student in English wrote. I know I am a long way from an accomplished writer, and boy you should see the first draft before my lovely team members edit this thing. Regardless, as long as you keep reading them, I’ll keep writing them. As I stated earlier if one person can find benefit in these blogs, then I know my hard work was worth it.
Wishing everyone a reflective 2021, and a wonderful year ahead. Sending all my love and please make this next year one filled with wealth, health, and happiness. From all of us at Diversified, we are thankful for you all.
If you’d prefer to watch our blogs instead of reading them, here is the video version: